BFC4U The Upper Room
Welcome to Bible Fellowship Church’s “The Upper Room.” Our podcast addresses the Christian’s role in today’s culture. We hope you enjoy it and find it informative. To help support our ministry, please consider becoming a subscriber and financial contributor. Links to donate are on our website at
107 episodes
Men's Ministry - Review of Colossians
Pastor Scott Kimball hosts a discussion about the Book of Colossians and Men's Ministry at Bible Fellowship Church. Pastor Don Trest, Elder Roy Jarnagin, Deacon Joe Sommer, and Deacon Andrew Kimball were in attendance.
Season 4
Episode 2
Eternal Clarity by Lucas Kitchen
Pastor Bob Wren discusses the book in a review with Carol Mahler, Deanne Kimball, Aubrey Sommer, Camille Williams, and Debra Downs. The ladies of BFC recently completed the book study, and this podcast records their observations.
Season 4
Episode 1
Be a Father (or don't) - Making Disciples
In this fifth session of the BFC Men's Retreat, Dr. Chris Cone ( makes the case for being a discipler when the Lord has other plans for your life that may not include a family. What does your life look like then? The Bible has answer...
Season 3
Episode 18
Be a Father - What it Means to be a Father
Dr. Chris Cone ( gives us some biblical insight about being a father in today's world. What does the Bible say about the role of a father?
Season 3
Episode 17
Love a Woman (Or Don't) What it Means if You are Single
Dr. Chris Cone ( continues his series for the 2022 BFC Men's retreat by discussing how God can use single men.
Season 3
Episode 16
Love A Woman - What it Means to be a Husband
In session two of the 2022 Men's Retreat Dr. Cone ( discusses the role of a man in having and holding a woman as his wife. What is the biblical view on this and how does it compare with the world's view?
Season 3
Episode 15
To Be A Man
Dr. Chris Cone ( teaches from the Bible what it means to be a man from God's view. Check out the associated slides on our website at! This is the first of five sessions in this series.
Season 3
Episode 14
Upper Room 100th Episode! Yay!
Scott, Jacob, and Andrew discuss the Sunday Message, The Upper Room podcast history, and take a look at the technologies that allow the Church to reach the world for the Gospel!
Season 3
Episode 13
Big Picture Gospel and Butterfly Christians
Scott, Roy, and Dylan discuss the Sunday Message and a blog post about the differences between the unchurched and church shoppers.
Season 3
Episode 12
The Coming Kingdom and Church App!
Scott, Bob, and Andrew discuss the Sunday Message, Daylight Savings Time, Facebook Groups, and The Church Center App!
Season 3
Episode 11
Set Apart and Growing!
Pastor Scott discusses the Sunday Message and talks about the role of the Church in helping believers to grow.
Season 3
Episode 10
Peace in Times of Chaos
Pastor Scott, Elder Jacob, and Aubrey discuss the Sunday Message and the Christian role in today's crazy world events.
Season 3
Episode 9
Joy and Peace in a World of Strife
Pastor Scott and Elder Roy Jarnagin discuss the Sunday Message and current events happening this week.
Season 3
Episode 8
Has God Stopped Listening to Us?
Scott, Bob, and Dylan discuss the Sunday Message and its message to Israel and the principles we can apply today!
Season 3
Episode 7
We Shall See Him With Our Own Eyes
Pastor Scott and Braedon Kimball discuss the Sunday Message and all things distracting us from making disciples.
Season 3
Episode 6
Doing Right but Your Heart is Not in It
Scott and Aubrey discuss the Sunday Message and the importance of balancing life from the biblical perspective.
Season 3
Episode 5
Fewer and Fewer Children
Associate Pastor Scott Kimball discusses the Sunday Message, Elon Musk sounding the warning of low birth rate, and the Church using the internet for Gospel means.
Season 3
Episode 4
God is Faithful in Times of Crisis
Scott Kimball, Bob Wren, and Joe Sommer discuss the Sunday Message and talk about the assurance we can have that God's Word is true!
Season 3
Episode 3
Isaiah Fifty-Five and the Great Reset
Scott, Jacob, and Andrew discuss the Sunday Message and talk about the Great Reset. What should be the Christian response to world events that seem to be taking us in the wrong direction?
Season 3
Episode 2
New Year New Opportunities!
Pastor Scott announces new studies and a conference happening at BFC beginning in January. It's a new year and an opportunity to take a different approach to live as a Christian during these uncertain times.
Season 3
Episode 1
2021 Upper Room Year in Review
Pastors Scott and Bob and Andrew Kimball take a look back at 2021, how the Upper Room went and what directions it might take in the future.
Season 2
Episode 49
Confident in Christ - Book Review
Pastor Bob, Inge Trest, Carol Mahler, Pam Jarnagin, and Robin Nichols discuss the themes and relevant passages of the book by Robert N. Wilkin, Confident in Christ.
Season 2
Episode 48
Doing His Word Without Fear
Pastor Scott discusses the principles in the Sunday Message and encourages the listener to trust God's Word and live it without fear.
Season 2
Episode 47